Form Uploads Manager

Form Uploads Add-on

Stop manually uploading files to Google Drive™, organizing, renaming and adding individual tags / descriptions! Configure Google Form™ add-on once to upload files and images, then each new item will be

- uploaded to the correct Google My Drive™ or Google Shared Drive™ folder;

- appropriately renamed;

- an individual description will be added, with tags for quick search;

- items can be shared with the uploader or others from the defined list;

- a list of all uploaded items with an URL for quick access can be sent by email.

Upload folder/subfolders, item name and description may contain placeholders defined in form fields.

Forms containing 50+ questions and/or 20+ uploads may take more than 1 hour to process uploaded files due to Google quotas for Google Workspace add-ons.

Try our Form Uploads add-on for Google Forms™ today! See our Privacy Policy.


Placeholders list

Your form fields are on the top of the list.

For example, if your form contains a Subfolder field, then the value entered by the user or selected from the list will be substituted for the ${Subfolder} placeholder.

Service placeholders:
${YEAR} 2021

${MONTH} 12

${DATE} 31

${FULLDATE} 2021-12-31

${DAY} 5 (i.e. Friday)

${TIME} 23:59:59

${TIMESTAMP} 2021-12-31T23:59:59

Form placeholders:

${RESPONDENT} respondent’s email (if available)

${FORM.TITLE} your form title

${FORM.ID} your form ID

${OWNER} your form owner’s email

${EFFECTIVE_USER} effective user’s email 

Placeholders related to single upload:

${UPLOAD.NAME} uploaded filename

${UPLOAD.EXTENSION} uploaded filename extension

${UPLOAD.FILENAMEONLY} uploaded filename with removed responder name

${UPLOAD.FILENAMEONLYNOEXT} uploaded filename with no responder and extension

${UPLOAD.DESCRIPTION} uploaded description (if available or defined)

${UPLOAD.ID} uploaded file ID on Google Drive

${UPLOAD.URL} uploaded file URL

Uploads list placeholder:

${UPLOADS} uploads list in predefined format

${UPLOADS.LEN} the number of uploaded items.


To check your subscription status

To purchase subscriptions

Processing a purchase request by payment provider and issuing a subscription may take some time.

Trial and 1 form subscriptions are assigned to 1 form only. Unassign it under subscription management to reuse in another form.

Click Edit subscriptions button (right one) to open Subscriptions Manager window:
Click Unassign the subscription button (with cross sign):

Then start using your new Google Form. The subscription will be assigned automatically.

After this change, the add-on will no longer be available in the previously used document. To use the add-on in several documents at the same time, you can purchase a subscription for an unlimited number of documents.