Extract and Download

Extract and download images from Google Workspace documents

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Effortlessly manage your images in Google Docs™, Sheets™, and Slides™

Extract and Download is a powerful add-on that helps you effortlessly extract, download, and organize the images within your Google Docs™, Sheets™, and Slides™ presentations.

Here's what it can do:

Boost your productivity:

Try it for free! Extract and Download offers a free trial so you can experience the benefits of image management made easy.

Install it today and see how it simplifies your workflow!

Important note! Until the issue with using a google script app in a multiuser environment (signed-in in one session) is resolved, work with the add-on sidebars with one only signed-in Google account, who is the owner of the spreadsheet.

Enhanced security 

Enjoy peace of mind knowing Extract and Download only requests access to the specific files you select, within the highly selective drive.file security scope and requiring your explicit confirmation before proceeding.


You will need a subscription to use the add-on after the trial period.